Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today as I sit in front of my computer I start opening up old folders from a hard drive that I hardly ever use.... I found myself lost in these old photo's that mean so much to me and wanted to share a couple of them with you.

Now, They say a picture is worth a thousand words.... but if there are no words to describe the picture than I don't believe the viewer would find the true meaning of how the artist want's you to feel as you view his art. So Let me explain the 3 photos of my lovely son Josiah...
After working 8 hour days 5 days a week, the wife and I always made it a habit to race home to see our little bundle of joy and whoever got home first gets the grand prize of carrying Josiah first (Basically bragging rights) and the looser gets to change the daiper. He was 8 month's at the time and was starting to lift himself up from the floor and manuver  around the coffee table but didn't have the will to let go. He was crawling all over the place but still wasn't comfortable enough to take the next step and actually take some steps. Until this one magical afternoon (After work, and after a good Diaper change from daddy) where we decided to take him outside to do a little practicing (By practicing I mean, Martha on the left while Josiah is in the middle and we both grab each of his hands while he attempts to walk) up and down the side walk. Equipped with my handy dandy Camera, We decided to have him give it a go all by himself. 
and mommy let's him go!

I would never forget the look on his face when he took that first step all on his own. I must admit, I knew at that very moment that time was about to fly by faster than a speeding train. It's almost been a year since his first steps and it seems like just yesterday. I'm just glad I have my little box full of memories in which I could revisit time and time again. Even though Josiah's running now and can no longer stay in one place for longer than a minute, he will forever be our little baby that wore his little poodle ear muffs on that chilly Dec afternoon and took his first steps like a champ.   

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